s/n A85-422 Reg: VH-SOB (CASA Australia) // Sold

s/n A85-422 Reg: VH-SOB (CASA Australia)

Currently Sold

1956 Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation (CAC) CA-25 Winjeel

Aircraft FAQ

Additional Info


The Aircraft has recently been disassembled, inspected (IRAN) and Returned to Service. During this period, the Owner installed a “fourth” original manufacturer’s seat. The Centre Section has NIL Hours since X-Ray Inspection. Ailerons and Rudder have been recovered and the Aircraft repainted.


Former RAAF Training aircraft which has been in private ownership since the 1970s. Currently hangared and cared for at YCAB.

Sales may be subject to local Sales Tax / V.A.T. / G.S.T.

Aircraft maybe subject to prior sale, lease, and/or removal from the market without prior notice.

Specifications subject to verification upon inspection.

Inquiry Request