s/n GM56 Reg: N94GR // Sold
s/n GM56 Reg: N94GR
Currently Sold
1978 Beech T-34C-1 Turbo Mentor
This Aircraft is in Standard Category with no Spar A.D.'s
Aircraft FAQ
Additional Info
- 4/2021
- 29.2 hours since assembly and inspection for Standard Airworthiness.
- To be able to be sure of times remaining on life limited parts the following were overhauled:
- Flap Motor
- Flap Actuators
- Gear Motor
- Landing Gear Gearbox
- New Wing Bolts
- Hartzell Propeller
- Prop Governor
- Overspeed Governor
- Torque Gauge
- ITT Gauge
- New Airspeeds reflecting civilian limitations.
- Landing gear was disassembled and stripped for NDT testing, then primed/painted and reassembled using all new hardware.
- Lots of routine maintenance was accomplished but lots of details were taken care of during assembly in anticipation of paint and panel upgrades, to include:
- New Canopies
- New Flap Cables
- New 406 ELT
- New seat cushions installed.
- Engine was sent to Covington for an IRAN as part of the assemble process.
- All new hardware in empennage, wings, and flight controls.
- Wheel wells stripped and painted before reassembly.
- New Tires, Bearings, and Brakes at this time.
- New weight and balance done at this time.
Sales may be subject to local Sales Tax / V.A.T. / G.S.T.
Aircraft maybe subject to prior sale, lease, and/or removal from the market without prior notice.
Specifications subject to verification upon inspection.